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Remember Who You Are

June has been difficult; stressful. There’s been lots of talking at me, about me, and around me. Lots of assumptions of who I am, what I know, and how much I am worth.

One thinks I’m not worth the hype. Someone else believes I’m a possible threat to the project… My project. Another think’s I’m not living up to my potential. And one wants to shut me up, thinking I’m two seconds from blowing a gasket.

No one is listening to me.

My mind has been jumbled and my body has been rioting against the stress. With all their voices taking space in my head, I forgot who I am.  I forgot my worth. Forgot my power. Forgot that I am not, nor have I ever been, as small and insignificant as they want me to be.

Then I remembered.

Head up. Shoulders back. Smile on. Power up.  Walk into the day chanting, “Remember who you are.”



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