I love research and finding new tricks and tools for everyday problems. I am also a sucker for “click here for your free guide.” In fact, my Yahoo account is dedicated to them. Facebook knows this about me, so all my ads are for planners, self- improvement programs, nutrition and work out guides, business guides, etc. Bring it on. Not only will I check them out, but I am also going to share.
I know. I know. You are worried about your inbox. Don’t be! Send these to an email that all your store ads. Also, the unsubscribe button is a magical thing.
Why do this?
Free downloads can be valuable resources. I have never had one that was entirely useless. Each has given me some piece of information or thought nugget that has helped from time to time. Also. Why not? Every tool needs to be sharpened or derusted. The mind is no different.
Next year,try something new. Join a group, try a challenge, visit a new city, get a library card and devour every resource about your hobby or career, start reading a new genre, take a class at community college, or just move your furniture.
Need a baby step? Check out one of these and get a free guide. Consider it food for thought.
Plan your year:
Online Courses:
Start Your Dream Business With No Money
Six Key Shifts You Should Make for Fierce Success
Lead Your Year Business Planner and Workshop
Got any ideas to share? Comment below.
Photo by Anna-Louise