Ugh. When is my latch hook set going to arrive?
I have completely destroyed this… giant coaster thingy. First, I backtracked by accident. Then the darn thing unraveled a bit when the little old dog got caught in the yard.

I am 0 for 2 on “adult” crafts. First, it took me over five years to complete a bracelet that I still have not gotten help closing. Which I am blaming on 2020, by the way. I gave myself the deadline of the week before my son’s birthday, since I started the stupid (but pretty) bracelet when I was six months pregnant. Now the bracelet is once again in stasis as I need the supplies and guidance for the closure.

Back to this crochet project. Now that I have to start over, I decided to look for alternative patterns. WTH! I do not like scarves or hats, and I do not have the patience or skill for a blanket.
Why am I learning crochet again?
Then I saw the cutest booties in my favorite color. I check out the website, and my jaw hits the keyboard. First of all, the booties are for kids. Second of all, the helpful writer gave a lovely breakdown of the time it would take to complete the project. For a person of moderate skill, it will take one full day to crochet a bootie that will fit a seven to nine-year-old.
I am at the Crochet 097 skill level, and it took me nearly five years to complete a bracelet that fits my 5½” wrist—albeit the bracelet was misplaced for two years. At this point, it has taken me three weeks to create my broken masterpiece. Which means I won’t finish my booties until I am 40! To make matters worse, this was the one pattern without instructions. Timeline. Picture. No instructions.
Maybe I should just do something useful and finally learn all the features of my digital camera?
In the meantime, I’m going to start another coaster. Maybe it will be normal sized this time.