“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.”
Billy Graham
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads. The world would be a terrible place without your wisdom and love. Thank you for your sacrifices. Thank you for making it look easy when you know it can be so damn hard.
To the fathers without fathers. I know it can be difficult to figure it out without a guidepost. I know the day may carry bitter-sweet memories for you. But please remember, whether you have a father or not, this day is about celebrating you and all that you bring to your family. So be happy and let your kids love on you and give you ridiculous gifts.
To the fathers daring to be different. Going against all you know can be like walking through quicksand. You are so brave for trying to do better and be better for yourself and your kids. They may never know the strength and courage it takes for you do what you do, but you are making a positive change in their lives and they are happier for it.
To the fathers doing it on their own. The world does not give you enough credit. I know it’s hard, so thank you. I pray that you and your children have or find a loving, supportive community.
To the stepfathers. Thank you for stepping in and caring so much. You may not realize it and they they may not say it, but you are making a difference.
To the fathers in mourning. Your loss is not unnoticed. I pray for your comfort and peace in your time of mourning.
To the godfathers and uncles. For so many, you stepped in to take the role of father figure. You’ve lent your heart, time, and your wisdom and you are appreciated.
To the teachers, coaches, and mentors. You don’t know how many lives you have saved and changed. You may not get a card or a gift, but trust me when I say something is thanking God that you are alive and grateful for everything you’ve done.
Thank you to all the men who stand up for children.
To my husband who is an amazing father, Monster is so lucky to have you. He’ll be a great man one day because he has you as a guiding light.
Happy Father’s Day!