I love mugs! I love using them; I’d rather use a mug than a glass. I love shopping for them. And I love designing them! So now…
I’ve opened my own Etsy shop!
Introducing Cece’s Mugs and Things!
Here’s the backstory. In December 2018, I decided it would be fun to design my own mug to mark the New Year. VistaPrint has a huge end of the year discount, so this worked out in favor. I wanted the mug to mark my theme for the upcoming year so I made a mug with the message Follow Through. I also designed a pen, some post-its, and eventually a mouse pad for work.

Let me tell you the pure joy I felt drinking out of MY mug for the first time. I was elated and proud. The bonus of course was the beautiful reminder to follow through.
And so a New Year’s tradition was born.
Fast forward to June 2022. I decided to create a bunch of affirmation mugs and share my designs. So I opened an Etsy store!
Five beautiful mugs are available right now. Check them out!

I love it.